We have some information that we want to share with everyone about both the physical and digital launches of Rock Band Rivals.
Starting with the physical release hitting brick and mortar and online retailers, it’s taking a little additional time to get the bundles overseas. Physical Rivals bundles will launch in Europe on November 8th for both Xbox and PlayStation players. These will still include any pre-order bonuses you’re already eligible for. The digital expansion for Rock Band Rivals (As well as the Rock Band 4 + Rivals digital bundle) isn’t affected by this delay, and will launch as planned on October 18th.
That said, I know lots of folks across the pond have been anxiously awaiting the availability of the digital pre-order of Rock Band Rivals in Sony Europe’s digital store. I get it, it’s a great deal. 10 songs (plus Rock Shop items) makes the pre-order a damn good value.
First, some background on this. Initially, our plan was to launch SIEE pre-orders alongside Xbox and Sony America in July. It’s always our first choice to handle Sony Europe the same way we handle Xbox and Sony America. When that didn’t come together, we worked with Sony to find out what would need to happen to launch pre-orders as soon as possible. We released a patch a few weeks ago that was supposed to put us in a position to launch them... It didn’t work. Due to their own policies and some complications unique to Rock Band, SIEE can’t support a digital pre-order for Rock Band Rivals.
Rather than leaving you high and dry, we’ve got a plan that we think you’ll like! Instead of a pre-order, we’re going to offer the bonuses (10 song pack + Rock Shop items) with all digital purchases of Rivals between October 18th and November 1st. This means there’s no difference for players going digital. On 10/18, you can still get Rivals, you’ll still get your 10 songs, you’ll still get your cheeseburger tee, and if you already have Rock Band 4 and just need the expansion, you’ll still get your golden sword guitar.
So, to recap: The Rock Band Rivals Jaguar Bundle and Band Kit (for both Xbox One and PS4) will be releasing on November 8th in Europe. Digital Xbox One pre-orders are already live, and your game will launch on October 18th. Digital PS4 players in Europe won’t have the option of pre-ordering, but instead the pre-order bonuses will be included will all digital purchases when the game goes live on October 18th, with the promotion expiring on November 1st.
Rivals is right around the corner -- We're excited to get all players around the world joining up with friends to compete against rival Crews as soon as possible.
- Josh