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Dance Central 3 Fitness Challenge: The Finish Line

At the beginning of the year we began the Dance Central 3 Fitness Challenge and after two months of bustin’ a move, we have reached the finish line! We issued a total of eight Friday Fitness Challenges and every week you all killed it, completing the Challenges with energy to spare. We’ve loved hearing from you on the forums, on Facebook, and over Twitter as you shared with us your successes, your setbacks, and your song choices! Whether you took part to lose weight, shape up, or just keep yourself moving during these blustery winter months, you deserve a pat on the back. No, really, pat yourself on the back! It’s a good stretch and you should definitely be stretching after every workout!

Enjoy a hard-earned couple of minutes sitting down while we check in and see how the Harmonix employees who were getting fit alongside you did!


Previous Posts: Meet Christine | Christine's Progress

The DC3 Fitness Challenge has been really great for my stair climb training! I can comfortably climb the stairs up to our office on the 14th floor, and I feel prepared for the 61-flight stair climb this weekend. If you’re training for a stair climb, play “Gangnam Style” … A LOT. That Antelope move is killer.

It’s been extra motivating to know the fans are playing along with us and getting fit, too. Let’s all keep playing our fitness playlists! Share your fitness playlist with us with the hashtag #DC3Fit on Twitter!


Previous posts: Meet Jessa | Jessa's Progress

I’m happy to report I did manage to lose 3 pounds, instead of gaining my traditional winter five pounds! But most importantly, I’ve been trying on wedding dresses (with the help of Christine and Annette) and feeling great about myself! Not only has playing the Fitness Challenges helped me get in better shape, it’s helped me take a break from the stress of booking caterers, musicians, photographers, etc. (You other brides know what I mean! We heard from a lot of you on Facebook!) I’m glad I couldn’t let being snowed in all winter be an excuse not to stay active, and I’m even more glad I’ll have some killer dance moves at my wedding reception.

I’ll definitely continue dancing every week going forward. Once the weather gets better, I’m going to get back to running too – and I’ll have an awesome soundtrack to run with. Did you know we have Spotify playlists for Dance Central music? Totally worth checking out!


Previous posts: Meet Annette | Annette's Progress

I’ve been training for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon ever since I locked down my registration for the Orlando event back in October. The Fitness Challenge we’ve run over the past two months has been great motivation for me to keep going after hearing all of your success stories, plus it’s given me the opportunity to brainstorm new ways to get the most out of my DC sessions! I’m glad to report that as of this writing, I now hold a medal for a half-marathon! This has boosted my confidence in more ways than one, and I just wanted to give a quick thanks to the Dance Central community for your continued inspiration and support.

Even though our fitness challenge is coming to a close it doesn’t mean it’s time to quit on the progress you’ve made! Now that I have completed a half-marathon, I have my sights set on participating in a full marathon in 2014! Keep working on achieving your fitness goals for the rest of 2013 and beyond. If you do achieve your goals – set new ones! Do what works for you to keep you on track to maintaining a healthy lifestyle!


Previous posts: Meet Tracy | Tracy's Progress

Keeping up with my goals in the month of February was pretty tough with all the travel I was doing, but the Dance Central 3 Fitness Challenge kept me honest when I was home. With our stormy Boston weather pounding us with snow outside, using DC3 to work out in the morning was a great way to start my days. Even though the Challenge is over, I'm going to continue dancing and taking pilates to keep up with the toning and cardio that worked so well these past two months. Keep sharing your stories with us!


The Fitness Challenge may be officially over, but getting fit or staying fit with Dance Central 3 certainly doesn’t have to end! You can always go back and start over entirely, or continue with any Friday Fitness Challenges you may have missed. Keep the discussion going on the forums, and share your progress with us on Facebook and on Twitter!

Fitness Challenge #1: Get Low
Fitness Challenge #2: Unlucky 13
Fitness Challenge #3: Pump It Up
Fitness Challenge #4: Kickin’ It Old School
Fitness Challenge #5: Move Your Middle
Fitness Challenge #6: Break A Sweat
Fitness Challenge #7: Off The Hook
Fitness Challenge #8: Choreographer Showdown