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DLC Week of 10/24: Hushpuppies and White Reaper!

Groove with new DLC from Hushpuppies and White Reaper!

Hushpuppies, hailing from France, head to RB4 with “You’re Gonna Say Yeah!”. From their debut album The Trap, “You’re Gonna Say Yeah!” players can look forward to bass leading the way. Don’t get to say that as often as you should. Drummers will get regular rolling in the choruses, but with some mix-ups to trip you up. The vocal chart has lots of exclamation points, so get into it!

White Reaper just released You Deserve Love, their third album, and we’re bringing the first single from the album to Rock Band. “Might Be Right” had a strong showing on several Billboard charts, including Triple A, Rock Airplay, and Alternative Songs. A bass-driven track, you can look forward to a great groove, highlighted by great performances on the surrounding instruments. No one’s slouching in this song, so everyone will find it fun to play and replay.
Hot off the You Deserve Love album release, it’s a great opportunity to visit Videos, vinyl, merch, tickets, it’s all there! Watch the video for “Might Be Right” while you wait for Thursday’s DLC release, then grab tickets for a US tour stop through the end of 2019.

For the first two weeks, "Might Be Right" can be purchased individually for $1.49. Songs can be purchased individually for $1.99. The Rock Band Rivals Season 13 Spotlight Pass can be purchased for $14.99.

  • Hushpuppies - "You're Gonna Say Yeah!" (Part of the Rock Band Rivals Season 13 Spotlight Pass)
  • White Reaper - "Might Be Right" (Part of the Rock Band Rivals Season 13 Spotlight Pass)


VIDEO: Rock Band 4 DLC Week of 10/24: Hushpuppies and White Reaper!

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* Please note that this week’s DLC tracks will be available for purchase on Thursday, October 24th.