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DLC Week of 10/28: Jonathan Coulton and The Rocky Horror Picture Show

It’s not Rock Band, it’s Rock BOOnd!

This week we’re exploring the spooky side of Rock Band. Songs about ghosts, goblins, ghouls and vague “we need to talk” text messages (okay maybe not that last one as terrifying as it is). As you would expect, this week has a good bit of metal but also some pop and rock classics with some creepy lyrics and song titles.

“Creepy Doll” is the third track on singer and-songwriter Jonathan Coulton’s 2006 album Thing a Week Four. The album served as a challenge to create one song per week for 52 straight weeks. “Creepy Doll” very appropriately starts out with an eerie xylophone intro accompanied by Jonathan’s vocals and backing strings before kicking into a rocking full band chorus.

From the 1975 theatrical release of the massively popular The Rocky Horror Picture Show, “Time Warp” is an homage to the rock n roll dance songs of the 1950s with a spooky twist. Performed by Little Nell, Patricia Quinn & Richard O’Brien, the track features incredibly catchy sing-along lyrics, fun piano and guitar riffing, and a classic rock n roll bassline. “Time Warp” is a must have track for fans of the original show stage show, fans of the movie and new fans alike.

Both of these awesome tracks are included in the Season 24 Season Pass. Pick it up today and save big on the entire season of DLC.

Jonathan Coulton “Creepy Doll” and The Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast “Time Warp” are available for $1.99 each.

  • Jonathan Coulton - “Creepy Doll”
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast - “Time Warp”

VIDEO: Rock Band 4 DLC Week of 10/21: Jonathan Coulton and Little Nell, Patricia Quinn & Richard O’Brien from The Rocky Horror Picture Show Original Soundtrack



*Please note that this week’s DLC tracks will be available for purchase on Thursday, October 28th.