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The Official Harmonix Podcast Episode 142 - Rock Band 4 Announce and PAX East Recap!


Rock Band 4 Announce and PAX East Recap! | March 20, 2015

PAX East is over! We announced *Rock Band 4*! We’re back in the office and we’re all so tired! Tune in for a recap of one of the busiest weeks we’ve had in the last few years, with plenty of details about the *RB4* announce, what’s coming up next for *RB4*, and a rundown of all the games, merch, panels, and parties that kept us busy during PAX East! Are exclamation points really necessary for all of these sentences? YES! [Click here to subscribe to The Official Harmonix Podcast in iTunes][1] [Click here to subscribe via RSS][2] **Credits**

**Host** - Eric Pope
**Guests** - Aaron Trites, Annette Gonzalez, and Christine Kayser
**Audio** - Arthur Inasi
**Music Credits** - Music from *A City Sleeps* by Arthur Inasi [1]: [2]: