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Fitness Challenge Friday: Complete The Unlucky 13 Challenge

Fitness Challenge Friday rages on! As part of Dance Central Fitness Month we’ll be issuing DC-related challenges every Friday in January to help you get out of your comfort zone and mix up your workout routine!

Last week we assigned The Frenchy Challenge for a solid core workout. This week in honor of it being Friday the 13th we’re issuing The Unlucky 13 Challenge created by the current leader of our Harmonix Fitness Challenge - @juliusblaise. He says it's "a dance challenge that will be sure to test your endurance and sanity."


Pick one song from the Dance Central library (includes Dance Central, Dance Central 2, and DLC) and create a playlist that features your song choice 13 times. Then play the playlist on Medium or Hard. Since you're playing this song 13 times in a row choose your song wisely!

Two players can play simultaneously in Dance Central 2 so have a friend team up with you for the fitness challenge (not a challenge requirement, but suggested for even more fun)! Harmonix Fitness Challenge teammates John (HMXJohnD) and Annette (HMXamgo) completed The Unlucky 13 Challenge together by playing "Get Ur Freak On" on Hard 13 times and now they're in the Top 5 of the co-op leaderboards! John had a few notes to share on the experience:

"Well, being the good teammate that I am, I dragged our fair Annette (who had already completed this challenge on her own) into my madness – dancing "Get Ur Freak On" by Missy Elliott 13 times in a row. We worked up a sweat and QUICK. By building a playlist, we charged through a heavy cardio blast without a break! The best part, other than the hardcore workout, was the feeling of repetition driving the workout forward. I love aimlessly playing through songs from the catalog (and, having downloaded the Marathon Packs, I now have too many to choose from!), but there was something about really focusing on one track and trying to Flawless problem moves I couldn’t nail previously."

"I had a good streak going and set high-solo scores on almost every pass through the song (even conducting a meeting with Tracy, our fearless leader, on our 8th and 9th dance through) and ended up jumping from about 1.1 million points to around 1.7 million! Now I just have to take down Annette (who still leads by about 100,000 and who handily beat me 11-2 in our 13 round play through) to top my friend leaderboard."


Challenge Summary:

  1. Choose one song from Dance Central, Dance Central 2, or DLC. Just one song.

  2. Create a playlist with your song choice featured 13 times.

  3. Dance through the playlist once on Medium or Hard before the next challenge is issued on Friday, January 20.

Don't know how to create a playlist in Dance Central 2? Want to create a playlist in Dance Central 2 with a track from the original Dance Central?

Here are a few more words from Harmonixers who completed the challenge during our fitness competition:

"I am really good at Bieber's 'Somebody to Love' now." - Jessa (HMXJessaBrez)

"I played 'Run (I'm a Natural Disaster)' 13 times in a row. On HARD. The Adonis move put my body to work! I added light weights to tone my arms for a challenge (my arms burned like whoa). It was worth it. After playing 'Run' so many times in a row I'm thinking I can probably dance through the routine blindfolded at this point and still beat John Drake's score." -Annette (HMXamgo)

Good luck!


Have any ideas for future challenges? Submit your thoughts on our forums! Your challenge may be selected and could become a future challenge that the entire DC community would have to complete!

Follow us all month long and let us know if you complete this challenge on our official Facebook page, in the forums, or tweet @Dance_Central on Twitter with the #DC2Fit hashtag.