Hey gang,
Now that you’re settled back in from the New Year celebrations, warm up those vocal chords with hot chocolate and rock! Pick up those sticks, tune your strings and don’t forget to check the mic levels. This week, we’ve got a bunch of different sales happening for all things Rock Band!
Starting today, Xbox players can get some sweet deals on Rock Band content. Gold and Silver members will save 30% on the Rock Band Rivals bundle (that’s the game and Rivals expansion!) this week, making this pack of content available for $39.99 USD! That’s the Rock Band 4 base game, plus Rockudrama, Rivals Mode, and online quickplay (later this month) for less than the base price of most current titles!
Select DLC packs are also on sale this week for both Silver and Gold accounts! Get 30% off of the following DLC until the 16th:
But that’s not all, folks! PlayStation is also having a Rock Band 4 DLC sale this week. All PlayStation 4 rockers can get 30% off of the following DLC packs:
Keep an eye out for new sales, new DLC, and all sorts of new content coming to Rock Band Rivals in the coming months!